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Started in January 2018 as a project during my travels in SE Asia, I have decided to continue as it has been very touching for me and those around the world!


Send a donation of 15$ and I will send you a personal poem on a postcard from wherever I am in the world!


EXCITING NEWS! You can now choose the design of your postcard AND support some of the amazing Creators that I have met around the world doing PROGRESSive things!


First up, "himlen är fejk" ("The Sky is Fake" as translated from Swedish) from Swedish creator and trans-activist Zafire Vrba. ( A percentage of the proceeds will go directly to Zafire to support the work that they do.


In the interest of remaining environmentally conscious, these personalized postcards are printed using Overnight Prints, an online company, which uses a "green printing" method. More info here:


Poem languages possible: English, French, German.


Poem on a Postcard

€15.00 Regular Price
€12.00Sale Price
  • All sales final.


    The profits raised from this project will go to support Create Poetry 4 Peace workshops around the world, the creators who contribute, as well as the many other creative projects of Audrey Rose and the food she needs to eat to get them done. Please send an email if you'd like a detailed report of what your 15$ can do!

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